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Make Someone Smile Christmas 2022 with an Eye-Opening Gift!

Make Someone Smile This Christmas 2022

Make Someone Smile this Christmas and Feel Great

Make someone smile this Christmas and that could be the best gift you give yourself this year! It doesn’t have to be expensive but why not make it unexpected!

It’s not about transactions!

So many people seem to look forward to Christmas for what they’re going to get. Others dread Christmas, fearful that they won’t be able to afford to reciprocate when someone gives them something or that they will be seen as cheap for sticking to their budget.

Make someone smile this Christmas with a thoughtful gift
Photo by Acharaporn Kamornboonyarush

First of all, you will never enjoy Christmas if you focus on yourself. 

Secondly, you will never enjoy Christmas if you turn gift giving (and receiving) into just another series of transactions. A gift is not a transaction – or it is not a gift!

The greatest of all gifts ever given is why Christmas even exists. Our Creator came into this world as a tiny, helpless, human baby called Jesus the Christ, so that he could live life here as the perfect human being, in order to be able to bring peace between human beings and God and thereby allowing us to live forever in paradise.

Whether you believe that or not, it’s in the name and the tradition. Christmas exists and is celebrated because of that tradition.  It is about the giving of a gift, with no possibility of reciprocation. You could not possibly pay that gift back. Furthermore, if you could it would no longer be a gift. It would be nothing more than another transaction.

Just give freely

Give gifts freely. Focus on how to make someone smile this Christmas. Do something unexpected!

Why not give a gift of a cup of coffee to someone who has no home, then just sit and enjoy a cup with them. It is a very busy time of the year, and people who can afford it spend a fantastic amount of time rushing about to buy expensive gifts, often to impress rather than to express love. Those who are least able to afford such luxuries are often completely ignored by everyone rushing by. Have you ever imagined what it’s like?

I guarantee that if you by a couple of cups of coffee – which you can probably easily afford – a give one to a homeless person, then ask if you can sit and have your coffee with them, it will be an eye-opening experience for you both.  You will discover that the homeless person everyone is ignoring has a story, too, and they will discover that someone in the made rush still cares!

Note: A cup of coffee is usually very welcome, especially at this time of the year. But some people have been so badly treated for so long they might be suspicious of you. That might be your own eye-opening experience! But don’t let it worry you. Just quietly offer the coffee and take it from there. Go with the flow. It could blow your mind!

There’s nothing wrong with a more expensive gift

Make someone smile this Christmas
Photo by Any Lane

Want to make someone smile this Christmas, someone you know you want to spend the rest of your life with? You can give a beautiful diamond to the love of your life. Nothing represents lifelong love in our society quite like a diamond!

But there are so many ideas for eye-opening gifts that will make someone smile at Christmas. What is more important – by a lot – to giving a gift that is really nice and appreciated to making one that is an eye-opener and really special is the thought that goes into it.

If you want to make a gift really special, take the time to find out what would be a really special gift for the person you are wanting to give it to. Make that the highest priority and work from there. 

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It doesn’t have to be expensive. But if it is, that’s perfectly fine, as long as it’s not going to break you. Never buy a gift that is so expensive you end up with buyer remorse when you credit card statement comes! Buyer remorse leads to bitterness and sadly, that can end up becoming directed at the very person you loved enough to give an expensive gift to!

There’s nothing wrong with an inexpensive gift

Some make the error of falling back on the old adage – “it’s not the price of the gift; it’s the thought that counts” to be – well – cheap. Trust me on this – there are a lot of those cheap gifts dropped off at thrift stores in the new year, and frankly, they don’t show that any thought went into them.

Make someone smile this Christmas with an unexpected gift
Photo by Dominika Roseclay

But if you really put some thought into it and look around, you can often find the “perfect” gift on a truly low budget. 

Remember that the very best thing a gift can do is to bring real joy to someone. Sometimes the best way to do that is to find something that might be completely meaningless to anyone except the person you give it to. It might cost very little or be handmade, but it is so unexpected and perfect that it is a real eye-opener that really makes someone smile this Christmas!

Don’t think big – think happy

Imagine the smiles on the faces of the individuals you give gifts to this year. Will the gifts you give make them happy? If you can say yes to this question, you are well on your way to finding perfects gifts for those you love and perhaps for someone nobody is thinking about who just needs some love. Make someone smile this Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

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